
It was quite a while before I found another gal who really meant any- thing to me. Finally, I started seeing a very sweet girl on a regular basis. This is my current GG, and here is what I considèr, at least in part, as the magic formula for gaining her understanding and acceptance of Page.

We had known each other a relatively short period of time, one month, but we had spent at least six hours per day, seven days a week together. I was a store manager, and she would come to the store and we would spend hours just talking. We found that it was love at first sight and every- thing was wonderful until I realized that I would have to tell her about Page.

After considerable thought, I decided to approach the subject very gracefully, building to the ultimate climax. I started off by turning our subjects of discussion to various things that were feminine, such as wom- en's clothing. Slowly over a period of a week or so we discussed my likes and dislikes in comparison to hers concerning different ways of wearing make-up, how concerned she was about very masculine men, and so on.

I felt that I had accomplished quite a bit because I now knew her feel- ings of a man who had shown interest in feminine things. At one point in our discussion told her that I enjoyed the feel of nylon hose, which is common among many men, and asked her if she would wear a garter belt and hose when we were messing around. She said OK, but that I had no idea how uncomfortable it could be wearing those, and that she would wear them part of the time, and that she would make me wear them part of the time. BINGO! I realized she was just joking, but for the first time I felt like I was approaching this the right way.

Over a period of three weeks, I continued building to the ultimate cli- max. I don't believe that one can measure when it is best to tell every- thing, it is something that each FP must decide for herself. But I felt that the time had come to tell all so I started for my ultimate goal, acceptance.

I had realized for quite some time that Transvestism and sex in gener- al are closely related. The quickest way to drive a GG away from you is to have her think that you are inadequate sexually. So, although some may not consider this proper, I spent quite a bit of time showing her that I was very much a man, when I wanted to be, and was completely hetero- sexual. I consider this point vital: your GG must have no doubt about your ability to please her sexually or about your being heterosexual.